Here at RB&L, we know that working out and eating right is easier said than done in this city. From the sweltering summer humidity crushing any attempts to run outside to the ever present NOLA foodporn, it can seem impossible to stay on track. Here are five fun and easy ways you can try to be kind of healthy this weekend.
1. Crescent Connection Bridge Run
This Saturday is the Crescent Connection Bridge Run. There’s still time to register for the run at 4:00 in the parking lot of the West Jeff

Fitness Center. This is an easy 4 miler that allows you to travel the length of the Crescent City Connection at sunset. Bonus: there is an afterparty at the Port with free food, beer, and music. So grab you tennis shoes and a crew and take a sunset jog!

2. Yoga at NOMA
On Saturday’s at 8 AM NOMA hosts a yoga class in their beautiful sculpture garden. The class costs a mere $5 and is a great way to start your day off on the right foot. Not a morning person? Plan on sleeping off Free Fridays? They also have relaxing Tai Chi sessions on Mondays at 6 pm in the galleries. This is a super cool way to kickstart your fitness routine and enjoy the beauty of the garden. Art+culture+exercise. Check all three off before 9 am.
3. Crescent City Farmers Market
Eating healthy in this city often feels like a futile effort of self inflicted misery. Especially the day after National Donut Day. Check out this

awesome Farmer’s Market on Magazine and Girod that runs till noon every Saturday to spice up your cooking routine. (I suggest getting there before 11 if you want optimal selections- the good stuff can sell out). The CCFM offers fresh local produce at a great price. Nothing inspires me to make healthier food choices than perusing this bounty of fresh Creole tomatoes, sweet potatoes, zucchini, blueberries, kale, cucumbers and so much more. Also, there is always live music, a cool cooking demonstration made exclusively with products from the market, and a tasting with a local chef. Last week Chef Ben Thibodeaux of Tableau made an an amazing crab and corn salad that I am still dreaming about. Best free samples this side of Costco.

4. Try a Spin Class at Romney Ride
I don’t know about you, but when I try to get on the elliptical I get bored in about 45 seconds. I always like to try new workout classes so I don’t get bored and my current favorite is Romney Ride. It’s a high intensity 45 minute spin class where the lights are turned off, great music is blasting, and weights are incorporated for a fun cardio workout. P.S. black lights are involved, it’s like being in a rave. (See photo to the left) I promise this is a class where you won’t be checking the clock the whole time, counting the minutes till you’re free. Your first ride at Romney is only $10 and you can rent shoes there. Go see what all the hype is about. And if you’re really feeling ambitious, go across the street to Whole Foods and buy something along the lines of chia seeds afterwards.
5. Creole Tomato Fest
Because tomatoes are healthy. Does this really apply here? Well, getting off of your couch and walking around the festival is sure to give you some good exercise and eating tomatoes gives you antioxidants, so this counts as far as we’re concerned.

Enjoy another beautiful Sunday in New Orleans. With so much going on, how are you going to choose just one place to go? Tell us all about what you do this weekend in our Comment Section!