What Summer in New Orleans Feels Like

So as I’m walking out the door this morning, it’s 8:30 A.M. and my first thought of the day is “Ugh, summer”

It’s 8:30 and I can already feel the dribbles of sweat arriving on my skin, my hair is frizzing and the deodorant I forgot to put on this morning is going to be a bad decision later on in the day.

But that’s summer in New Orleans.


At first, you’re like “Yay! School’s Out!”

Then, you’re like BEACH TIME!!!


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And you’re so excited to sleep in again.


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Then you start your summer job


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Or your “Internship”


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Which is an old Latin word for “unpaid slave labor”


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But when you do get out of work, it’s like


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But during the day, everyone in New Orleans is just like


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There is nothing you can do about it.  Some people be all like


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But really it’s like


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As soon as you step outside, you’re just like


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All anyone can ever say is


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As soon as you get home, you’re just like


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But it’s not all bad. There’s a lot of this


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And this


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And of course this


mmm....get in my face
mmm….get in my face

Just try to enjoy it. It’ll be this hot til December.

Stay cool my friends!


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About Morgan

Morgan was born in Georgia, raised in Louisiana, a Southern gal through and through. A graduate of the University of New Orleans, she loves her Saints, her city and inserting thinly veiled sarcasm throughout all her writing.

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