Okay, guys and gals, it’s that time of year again! The time in which ladies attempt to sluttify everything and the guys try to get with dat. Hey, man, if a Sexy PSL is what you’re into, then by all means. Just make sure you share your Twix with her or NO DEAL, alright?

Time to get freaky.
If you’re anything like me, then you’re still kind of at a loss about what you’ll be doing on Halloween night and the spooky days leading up to it. It can kind of be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the city and going at it for the first time. The most important thing to note, in my opinion, is that it’s on a Friday this year. Talk about a Halloween miracle. Let’s take a moment of silence just to appreciate how epic Saturday morning’s hangover will be. You won’t even have to go to work the next day! You can literally stay in bed (it doesn’t even have to be your bed!) all day and gorge yourself on leftover Halloween candy. If there’s ever a time to say amen, it’s now.
Onto the fun stuff.
Whether you’re into haunted houses, stumbling around drunkenly in large groups of people, or letting your freak flag fly at music festivals, I’ve got you covered with a How To: Halloween in New Orleans. I will be accepting thank yous for compiling this list by way of money orders, bite-sized York peppermint patties, a cocktail of my choice, or tickets to Voodoo/Saints games/anything really.
The Voodoo Music + Arts Experience

The Voodoo Music + Arts Experience is probably the most important event to be happening in New Orleans this Halloween season. For starters, the first day of Voodoo takes place on Halloween day. This is the first time in 7 years that this has happened. It’s like when you witness your conservative uncle get wasted at Thanksgiving dinner. It’s something that is NOT to be missed. Dress up in your sluttiest/scariest/nerdiest costume and get yourself down to City Park on Halloween weekend and see bands like Outkast (on Halloween night!), Foo Fighters, and Arctic Monkeys headlining. Day passes can be purchased on their website, or you can buy a three-day pass, which I recommend. It’s totally worth the money, and if you’re going to do Voodoo, you’re going to do it right. By the way, I just heard that there will be free water this year. Booze it up all you want, but please stay hydrated! You spent money for tickets, so passing out and missing everything would be lame. Plus it ain’t cute… unless you’re a British actress in a stage play, but you’re not, so.

Krewe of Boo
If any of you thought Carnival season ended on Mardi Gras day, you’re wrong.
This spooktacular Halloween event is unlike any other parade in the world and parades through the “BOO CARRÉ”. It became the official Halloween Parade in New Orleans in 2007.
The beautifully horrific props and sculptures start with talented Kern artists, sketching creative images for the unique Krewe of BOO! Once approved by Brian Kern’s discerning eye, the images “come to life” as 3-dimensional fiberglass or papier mache props that excite and frighten parade goers with their imaginative artistic style. Kern Studios is the premier float building organization in America, and the Kern quality rolls in celebrations throughout the world.
The thrill of riding amongst the monsters and eerie creatures in the Krewe of BOO! is an exhilarating experience you’ll always remember.
Y’all. A Halloween parade. I repeat, A HALLOWEEN PARADE. Mardi Gras is obviously huge in New Orleans, so it only seems appropriate to incorporate a spooky parade into this season’s festivities. Krewe of Boo starts rolling at 6:30pm on Thursday, October 30th.

House of Shock

Alright, so this might be one of the scariest things I’ve ever considered going to. I’ve actually never been inside the House of Shock, but I went behind the scenes when I was 6, because your girl’s got connections. I won’t mention how I nearly peed my pants and started sobbing solely from hearing the blood-curdling screams of the brave souls that took the plunge. My life has never been the same. I did get free pizza, though, so maybe that was worth almost ruining my maroon corduroys. Anyway, this is actually the House of Shock’s last year in business. I’m not 100% sure why it’s closing, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that people have nearly died midway through and/or how it gives off a “pseudo-satanic vibe”. I have two things to say to that: 1) Check with your physician before your visit and 2) Calm your tits. It’s just a haunted house.
With that being said, if you’re into hardcore, metal-based crazy shit, and literally almost dying, then you should definitely hit up the House of Shock for their final year in business. Make sure you empty your bladders and say your prayers before entering. You’ve been warned.
The Mortuary

This is another haunted house that I’ve never been to, but if you’re into sobbing and nightmares, then you’ll love it. I have a few friends who work here, and, as much as I love them, I just don’t know if I could muster up enough courage to actually go through the Mortuary. It’s known as the #1 haunted house in New Orleans. Legend has it that it’s actually haunted, and if a virgin lights the candle, three witches will appear and sing and dance at a party! This house, similarly to the House of Shock, will scare you. So, as I’ve previously mentioned, if you’re into that sort of thing, be my guest. You can find me playing with puppies in broad daylight and singing Disney songs. We’ll catch up later over Ring Pops and apple juice. Can’t wait.
Boo at the Zoo

Talk about a segue.
For good measure, I’ve decided to throw in a more family friendly Halloween activity for all of you parents/grandparents/children under 12 out there.
Bring your little ghosts and goblins to Boo at the Zoo Presented by Bryan Subaru! This annual Audubon Zoo extravaganza is a safe, fun-filled Halloween event for children up to age 12, featuring trick-or-treat houses with candy, Ghost Train, a haunted house (scary and non-scary), games with prizes, entertainment and more. All games and treats, except concessions, are free with admission.
I actually think this is a great idea, and I applaud the Audubon Zoo for being so passionate about having a safe and fun-filled environment for kids. Halloween doesn’t have to be solely about demonic spirits trying to eat you (ahem, House of Shock and Mortuary). It can be about children! And candy! And dressing up like a cute ladybug! Boo at the Zoo is offering train rides, games, live entertainment and so much more. Purchase your tickets ASAP for Friday, October 24th at 5pm, because tickets are selling out fast, kind of like Jennifer Lawrence.
Louisiana Children’s Museum presents Museum Mash

Okay, one more kiddie thing, and then it’s back to the cool stuff stuff that appeals to a wider audience. On Saturday, October 25th from 5:30pm-8:30pm, the Louisiana Children’s Museum is hosting a Halloween party for children and their families. The cost is $10/person, but if you’re a member, you get in for $5. Also, the best deal yet goes to little humans under 12 months who get in for FREE. Yep, you read that right. If you’re under 12 months of age, you don’t have to pay. Makes me wish I was still in diapers and being applauded for blowing raspberries. But, alas, I aged, and neither one of those things is acceptable for a 23-year-old to do. You can register online here.
Frenchmen Street

So this picture perfectly describes what it’s like to be on Frenchmen for Halloween. It takes the phrase “packed like sardines” to a whole new level. I experienced my first Halloween on Frenchmen a couple years back, and it was a blast. I mean, I was dressed like Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman and had one too many cups of riot punch, so maybe that had something to do with the overall experience. I will say that if you are not a drinker and you do not like large crowds, then you will not want to go to Frenchmen. You will want to go to Bingo that evening with your grandma instead.
Frenchmen Street is where the party’s at on Halloween. The drinks are cheap, the costumes are plentiful, and 9 times out of 10, there’s no cover to get into the venues. There’s always amazing local musicians jamming their little hearts out, and you’re surrounded by lively spirits, both alive and dead, I’m sure. I give it 4 1/2 out of 5 skulls.
Halloween New Orleans PubCrawl
A Halloween-themed pub crawl around New Orleans. Why didn’t I think of this? For the low price of $25, you can get a three-day pass to access all of the bars that are participating in this weekend long pub crawl. You’ll also get an exclusive wristband, a map of the best route to take during your crawl, and Mardi Gras beads, because why not. You must be 21+ to participate in this event. All info and FAQ can be found on their website. Dress code is casual, so leave your prom dresses at home. However, all participants are encouraged to wear costumes. It is Halloween after all, so don’t be lame and wear a polo and your Levis, even though those are really good jeans and do wonders for the bum.
Monaghan’s Halloween Parade
Because one parade isn’t enough. Join the fun on Friday, October 31st at 6:00pm for Jim Monaghan’s 19th annual Halloween Parade. The parade starts rolling from Molly’s at the Market (1107 Decatur Street) with a costume contest to follow at Erin Rose (811 Conti Street).
Typing up this list got me really excited for Halloween and really worried for my liver. Also, I need to start recruiting my partners in crime for these events ASAP. I told my friend the other day, “Halloween is the time to sin before we have to start thanking Jesus for everything come November.” I still stand by that quote. Feel free to share it, but give credit where credit is due, and by that, I mean mention my name somewhere.
Before I go, I’ll leave you with three things to remember this Halloween:
1) If you’re questioning the modesty of your costume, chances are it’s too scandalous, which makes it perfect for Halloween. It’s not everyday you can dress up as a Hooker Nun, so rock it while you can.
2) If someone suggests “checking your candy for razor blades” before they let you eat it, clutch your candy as close to you as possible and run in the opposite direction. These people are LYING TO YOU. They’re just going to steal your Reese’s and leave you with those black and orange wrapped peanut chewy things and that is WRONG.
3) If you wake up on November 1st and have any recollection of the night before, you failed at Halloween. So drink up, get down, and black out. Lol, jk, don’t black out. But if you do, make sure you have a buddy.
Have a very Happy Halloween, stay safe, and if you see someone running through the streets dressed as Mary Sanderson, say hi, because it’s probably me. Especially if she has a bottle of Riesling in her hand.
Where are you choosing to spend your Halloween this year? Let us know in the Comments Section! If you are attending Bingo, you can tell us. *We won’t judge you.
*Indicates a lie.
If you thought that the only time of the year for great entertainment in New Orleans was Mardi Gras, think again. Once the summer begins to wrap up and Fall starts to settle in, there’s only one holiday that gets everyone’s attention – Halloween! Known as the most popular holiday of the year, it’s the perfect excuse for us to dress up and act out of character. If you thought that going to those same club and house parties were going to cut it this year, think again. The producers of the world’s largest pub crawl – PubCrawls.com – are looking to break into history yet again with a very special crawl that features the best bars that New Orleans has to offer – the official New Orleans Halloween Pub Crawl. This pub crawl in New Orleans will have thousands of dressed up party goers combing the streets in search of the next best bar.
This year, we’re putting together 3 days of Halloween nightlife bar crawling. At registration, you’ll receive your pub crawl wristband a full map outlining the best route to take for the crawl. Whether you visit just a few or all of the participating venues on Bourbon Street, you can’t possible go wrong with our wide selection. Halloween is a fun-filled time of the year for large groups of friends to come out and enjoy a great party atmosphere while wearing whacky outfits. The 2014 New Orleans Halloween Pub Crawl is just around the corner. Every pub crawler will be given complimentary mardi gras beads at registration to make this Halloween even more epic! Secure your ticket today – prices do increase, as the date gets closer to Halloween.
– See more at: http://pubcrawls.com/events/halloween/happy-hour-halloween-pub-crawl-new-orleans.php#sthash.dh5XmGfo.dpuf
If you thought that the only time of the year for great entertainment in New Orleans was Mardi Gras, think again. Once the summer begins to wrap up and Fall starts to settle in, there’s only one holiday that gets everyone’s attention – Halloween! Known as the most popular holiday of the year, it’s the perfect excuse for us to dress up and act out of character. If you thought that going to those same club and house parties were going to cut it this year, think again. The producers of the world’s largest pub crawl – PubCrawls.com – are looking to break into history yet again with a very special crawl that features the best bars that New Orleans has to offer – the official New Orleans Halloween Pub Crawl. This pub crawl in New Orleans will have thousands of dressed up party goers combing the streets in search of the next best bar.
This year, we’re putting together 3 days of Halloween nightlife bar crawling. At registration, you’ll receive your pub crawl wristband a full map outlining the best route to take for the crawl. Whether you visit just a few or all of the participating venues on Bourbon Street, you can’t possible go wrong with our wide selection. Halloween is a fun-filled time of the year for large groups of friends to come out and enjoy a great party atmosphere while wearing whacky outfits. The 2014 New Orleans Halloween Pub Crawl is just around the corner. Every pub crawler will be given complimentary mardi gras beads at registration to make this Halloween even more epic! Secure your ticket today – prices do increase, as the date gets closer to Halloween.
– See more at: http://pubcrawls.com/events/halloween/happy-hour-halloween-pub-crawl-new-orleans.php#sthash.dh5XmGfo.dpuf
If you thought that the only time of the year for great entertainment in New Orleans was Mardi Gras, think again. Once the summer begins to wrap up and Fall starts to settle in, there’s only one holiday that gets everyone’s attention – Halloween! Known as the most popular holiday of the year, it’s the perfect excuse for us to dress up and act out of character. If you thought that going to those same club and house parties were going to cut it this year, think again. The producers of the world’s largest pub crawl – PubCrawls.com – are looking to break into history yet again with a very special crawl that features the best bars that New Orleans has to offer – the official New Orleans Halloween Pub Crawl. This pub crawl in New Orleans will have thousands of dressed up party goers combing the streets in search of the next best bar.
This year, we’re putting together 3 days of Halloween nightlife bar crawling. At registration, you’ll receive your pub crawl wristband a full map outlining the best route to take for the crawl. Whether you visit just a few or all of the participating venues on Bourbon Street, you can’t possible go wrong with our wide selection. Halloween is a fun-filled time of the year for large groups of friends to come out and enjoy a great party atmosphere while wearing whacky outfits. The 2014 New Orleans Halloween Pub Crawl is just around the corner. Every pub crawler will be given complimentary mardi gras beads at registration to make this Halloween even more epic! Secure your ticket today – prices do increase, as the date gets closer to Halloween.
– See more at: http://pubcrawls.com/events/halloween/happy-hour-halloween-pub-crawl-new-orleans.php#sthash.dh5XmGfo.dpuf
If you thought that the only time of the year for great entertainment in New Orleans was Mardi Gras, think again. Once the summer begins to wrap up and Fall starts to settle in, there’s only one holiday that gets everyone’s attention – Halloween! Known as the most popular holiday of the year, it’s the perfect excuse for us to dress up and act out of character. If you thought that going to those same club and house parties were going to cut it this year, think again. The producers of the world’s largest pub crawl – PubCrawls.com – are looking to break into history yet again with a very special crawl that features the best bars that New Orleans has to offer – the official New Orleans Halloween Pub Crawl. This pub crawl in New Orleans will have thousands of dressed up party goers combing the streets in search of the next best bar.
This year, we’re putting together 3 days of Halloween nightlife bar crawling. At registration, you’ll receive your pub crawl wristband a full map outlining the best route to take for the crawl. Whether you visit just a few or all of the participating venues on Bourbon Street, you can’t possible go wrong with our wide selection. Halloween is a fun-filled time of the year for large groups of friends to come out and enjoy a great party atmosphere while wearing whacky outfits. The 2014 New Orleans Halloween Pub Crawl is just around the corner. Every pub crawler will be given complimentary mardi gras beads at registration to make this Halloween even more epic! Secure your ticket today – prices do increase, as the date gets closer to Halloween.
– See more at: http://pubcrawls.com/events/halloween/happy-hour-halloween-pub-crawl-new-orleans.php#sthash.dh5XmGfo.dpu